It's been another year and this blog is now officially 8 years old. I got in 2005 but started blogging in 2007. When I started blogging all I had was this big dream to create a popular programming blog. I worked hard and now 8 years later my blog gets visited by over a million people. Hard work pays off and dreams come true.
In this post I'll quickly summarize this year's statistics. Here are links to previous years' stats: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 years of blogging.
Here's traffic statistics for Jul 2014 - Jul 2015:

Catonmat was visited 1.32 million times and had 1.69 million page views. Quick comparison between last and this year:
This year: 1,318,518 uniques. 1,690,927 page views.
Last year: 784,992 uniques. 1,376,933 page views.
Delta: +533,526 uniques. +313,994 page views.
I've written some great articles this year that explains +half a million uniques this year. The traffic spike in April happened because of my new article series about my favorite books. I've about 250 articles in drafts so stay tuned for even more interesting articles soon!
Subscriber statistics: At 20,316 (email+rss) subscribers. Last year 16,343. Delta +3,973. subscribe.
Github stats: At 1,900 followers this year. Last year 1,700. Delta +200. follow me.
Total articles written: 19. Top 10 most read articles:
- My Top 100 Programming, Computer and Science Books: Part One (151,341 views)
- Being good at programming competitions doesn't mean you'll be good on the job (148,455 views)
- I was interviewed by Fog Creek (75,677 views)
- My Top 100 Programming, Computer and Science Books: Part Three (70,758 views)
- My Top 100 Programming, Computer and Science Books: Part Two (67,245 views)
- A new browsing URL scheme for Browserling (54,480 views)
- Creating outgoing bandwidth summary for Rackspace cloud servers (54,250 views)
- How to remember ./configure script arguments a year later (51,487 views)
- Creating tables with console.table in Chrome (48,096 views)
- cards.dll - a fun dll that came with windows (47,696 views)
My personal top 5 favorite articles:
- My new workstation for the next two years (with pics)
- How to pay $400 instead of $70,000 in Delaware franchise tax
- Announcing Browserling's Live API
- My Top 100 Programming, Computer and Science Books: Part One
- I was interviewed by Fog Creek
Here are catonmat's goals for year 9:
- Publish at least 10 parts of My Favorite Books.
- Start a new article series about my favorite scientific papers.
- Start a new article series about Linux networking.
- Grow the blog to 1.5 million uniques, 2 million page views.
That's all folks! Now let's have some 8 year birthday cake,

And let's meet for cake next year again! See you!