Hey everyone! Another year has passed and it's now 3 years since I've been blogging here on catonmat! In this post I want to summarize this year's statistics.
See the one year of blogging and two years of blogging for previous year statistics.
First of all traffic statistics,
Alright, so catonmat has received 1.43 million visitors and 2.11 million page views during this year. That's 120k visits and 175k page views per month. Or 4,000 visitors per day and 5,800 page views per day. Good numbers.
Let's look at the whole traffic picture from the day one of blogging,
Looks pretty random but seems to have a hidden linear trend upwards.
Now the FeedBurner subscriber stats,

Last year I left off with 7000 subscribers, and now I have around 12,000. That's 5000 new subscribers, or 13 new subscribers per day on average.
And the whole picture of subscriber dynamics since the beginning of blogging,

Also a nice positive trend, if it keeps going the same way, I expect to have around 17,000 subscribers the next year.
Now to articles. During this year I have written 43 articles. Here are ten most popular ones:
- Using Fibonacci Numbers to Convert from Miles to Kilometers and Vice Versa (194,417 views).
- Top Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained (155,079 views).
- A Unix Utility You Should Know About: lsof (59,204 views).
- ldd arbitrary code execution (55,833 views).
- Summary of all the MIT Introduction to Algorithms lectures (54,954 views).
- Must-Have Windows Software (or Windows Programs that I use) (53,825 views).
- The Busy Beaver Problem (52,238 views).
- Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part IV: snipmate.vim (35,735 views).
- Secret Perl Operators (34,346 views).
- A HTTP Proxy Server in 20 Lines of node.js Code (31,822 views).
Here are my personal favorites that didn't make it into top ten:
- On the Linear Time Algorithm For Finding Fibonacci Numbers.
- Recursive Regular Expressions.
- On Functors.
- Deriving the Y-Combinator.
- Donald Knuth's First Computer.
It's now time for delicious cake:

Let's meet for cake the next year again! See you!