Hey everyone! Another year has passed and it's been 6 years since I've been blogging here on catonmat! In this post I want to summarize this year's statistics.
See the one year of blogging, two years of blogging, three years of blogging, four years of blogging, and five years of blogging for the previous year statistics.
Let's start this year's stats with traffic:
This year: 903,468 uniques. 1,191,596 visits. 1,695,544 page views.
Last year: 988,295 uniques. 1,374,228 visits. 1,940,530 page views.
Delta: -84,827 unqiues. -182,632 visits. -244,986 page views.
I haven't been blogging as much as in the previous year and that explains the negative delta.
Feedburner stats: At 16,343 rss subscribers this year. Last year 14,362. Delta +1,981. subscribe.
Github stats: At 1400 followers this year. Last year 1070. Delta +330. follow me.
Twitter stats: At 3774 followers this year. Last year 3093. Delta +681. follow me.
Subscriptions and followers grow over time, which explains the positive delta.
Total articles written: 25. Top 10 articles:
- My favorite regex of all time (130825 views)
- Bash One-Liners Explained, Part V: Navigating around (64454 views)
- TCP Traceroute (53682 views)
- GNU Coreutils Cheat Sheet (49837 views)
- Bash One-Liners Explained, Part III: All about redirections (46652 views)
- Bash Redirections Cheat Sheet (43952 views)
- Util-Linux Cheat Sheet (39903 views)
- TCP Port Scanner in Bash (39691 views)
- Bash One-Liners Explained, Part II: Working with strings (39601 views)
- The `sudo chroot /chroot su - user -c "cmd args"` trick (34404 views)
My top 5 favorite articles:
- My favorite regex of all time (130825 views)
- TCP Port Scanner in Bash (39691 views)
- Bash Redirections Cheat Sheet (43952 views)
- I published another 10 of my projects to GitHub (20933 views)
- Visualization of Regular Expression Character Classes (25310 views)
During this year I made 4 announcements:
- Announcing Testling-CI (32980 views)
- Browserling now has Internet Explorer 10! (22644 views)
- Browserling reaches 200 paying customers! (19774 views)
- Announcing Monthly Catonmat Geek T-Shirts (10709 views)
That's all folks! Now let's have some 6 year birthday cake,

And let's meet for the cake next year again! See you!