Remember my previous two blog posts about publishing 30 and 20 of my projects to github? Here are another 10 projects in no particular order that I've written since then.
I really love writing open source projects. Everyone should publish all their projects to github. Good or bad. Like my friend just said: "Publish more open source, not less. "Too much noise" is a terrible excuse. Publish wisdom so we may use. Publish mistakes so we may learn."
If you find my projects interesting, consider following me on github! Thank you!
Shorten urls with bitly without api
This is a Perl module that shortens urls via bitly without using their API. I once had to shorten more than a few hundred urls quickly so I wrote this.
Here's an example of how to use it:
use bitly;
my $bitly = bitly->new('username', 'password');
my $url = bitly->shorten('');
unless ($url) {
say $bitly->{error};
else {
say $url;
Speak text files to wav via Microsoft Speech API
I once had this idea of converting my blog posts to mp3. So I wrote a C++ program that uses the Microsoft's speech api. It takes a txt file as input and produces a wav file output.
speak.exe <voice name> <text file> <wav file> -or- speak.exe --list-voices
Compile this project with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or later.
Bonus: At first I tried using Loquendo SDK and created a TextToWav project but their speech engine wasn't too great so I created speak-text-files-to-wav.
Load status server for Windows
This simple C++ program creates a single threaded TCP server that replies with information in JSON format about Window's CPU, Disk, and Memory usage. I created this because I had to monitor Windows servers at Browserling.
Here's an example:
C:\bin\> load-status-server.exe Started server on port 7000
Now if you connect to, it will send you JSON with the current server load info:
$ nc 7000 { "memory": { "usage": 71, "total_physical": 1068388352, "free_physical": 302112768, "total_paging_file": 3096842240, "free_paging_file": 2155446272, "total_virtual": 2147352576, "free_virtual": 2130919424, "free_extended_virtual": 0 }, "cpu": { "load": 5 }, "disk": { "free_user": 22858027008, "free_total": 22858027008, "total": 42947571712 } }
Compile this project with Visual Studio or mingw. It uses just Win32 calls.
HWND finder
We started working on a new product at Browserling that takes screenshots so I wrote a bunch of code that finds browser window HWNDs. Then I decided to open source some parts of it and created HWND finder. The idea is to have something like jQuery's syntax for finding HWNDs. We delayed launching this screenshot product so I haven't made any updates.
Here's an example:
#include "hwnd-finder.h"
HwndFinder hf;
HWND rendererHwnd = hf.find("Chrome_WidgetWin_1 > Chrome_WidgetWin_0 > Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND");
This finds Chrome renderer's window handle. Here Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND is a child of Chrome_WidgetWin_0 is a child of Chrome_WidgetWin_1 which is the top window.
This is a node.js module that streams number ranges. Here are all the ranges it supports:
var range = require('number-range'); * range(10) - range from 0 to 9 * range(-10, 10) - range from -10 to 9 (-10, -9, ... 0, 1, ... 9) * range(-10, 10, 2) - range from -10 to 8, skipping every 2nd element (-10, -8, ... 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) * range(10, 0, 2) - reverse range from 10 to 1, skipping every 2nd element (10, 8, 6, 4, 2) * range(10, 0) - reverse range from 10 to 1 * range('5..50') - range from 5 to 49 * range('50..44') - range from 50 to 45 * range('1,1.1..4') - range from 1 to 4 with increment of 0.1 (1, 1.1, 1.2, ... 3.9) * range('4,3.9..1') - reverse range from 4 to 1 with decerement of 0.1 * range('[1..10]') - range from 1 to 10 (all inclusive) * range('[10..1]') - range from 10 to 1 (all inclusive) * range('[1..10)') - range grom 1 to 9 * range('[10..1)') - range from 10 to 2 * range('(1..10]') - range from 2 to 10 * range('(10..1]') - range from 9 to 1 * range('(1..10)') - range from 2 to 9 * range('[5,10..50]') - range from 5 to 50 with a step of 5 (all inclusive) * range('10..') - infinite range starting from 10 * range('(10..') - infinite range starting from 11
Very cool stuff. Especially the infinite ranges, which use the process.nextTick trick.
It's almost HTTP::Async::Retry. It's actually just a file that you can drop into your project to do a quick hack. With a bit of effort it could be HTTP::Async::Retry.
I once had to scrape a lot of information so I used my favorite language Perl and used the HTTP::Async module. A lot of URLs would time out as I was creating thousands of connections per second. At first I simply copied the retry code from hack to hack but then at one moment I had enough so I simply wrote that abstracts away the retries.
Here's an example:
use warnings;
use strict;
use HTTP::Request;
use async_retry qw/async_retry/;
my @urls = (
retries => 5
map { HTTP::Request->new(GET => $_) } @urls
sub {
my ($req, $res) = @_;
print $res->base, "\n";
This code tries to get all those Google urls and retries to get them 5 times. If a url succeeds or fails after retries, it calls the callback with HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response objects.
HTML Keyboard Widget
This is just an on-screen keyboard widget for Browserling. I wrote it because people with weird keyboard layouts couldn't input various English characters in Browserling. We'll add it to Browserling soon (it's a planned feature.)
Here's how it looks like:

You can try a live demo here.
Cached browser badges
This project just creates cached browser badges for Testling, so that we don't have to generate them again as it's costly.

~/.ssh/authorized_keys ssh key manager
This project manages public ssh keys in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. We'll use this at Browserling to manage the ssh keys for tunnels so that you can add, remove and list the keys. (It's a planned feature.)
Here's an example:
var sshManager = require('ssh-key-manager');
sshManager.addKey('pkrumins', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y...', function (err) {
if (err) {
This is a node.js module that kills all processes in the process tree, including the given root process.
Here's an example:
var kill = require('tree-kill');
kill(301, 'SIGKILL');
In this example we kill all the children processes of the process with pid 301, including the process with pid 301 itself.
This module currently works on Linux only as it uses ps -o pid --no-headers --ppid PID
to find the parent pids of PID
GitHub is awesome!
Push all your projects to github all the time! Don't let your project rot on your hard drive! Publish it to github! Publish wisdom so we may use. Publish mistakes so we may learn.
And just another reminder, I'd love if you followed me on github and twitter!