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I often have to generate √5 digits so I created this simple online utility that does it for me. It lets you calculate however many square root of 5 digits you need, starting from any position. It works in the browser and is powered by alien technology from the future.

Sqrt(5) Digits Generator Options

Start and Count
Digit Separator
Write √5 digits with the prefix "2.".

Sqrt(5) Digits Generator Examples (click to try!)

First Hundred Digits of Sqrt(5)
In this example, we compute the first one hundred decimal digits of the square root of 5.
Starting position.
How many √5 digits to generate?
Separate √5 digits with this character.
Include the Whole Part
500 √5 Digits from 500th Position
This example starts calculating sqrt(5) digits from the 500th position and generates 500 following values (up to 999th position). We don't use the integer prefix "2" in the result and display the digits separated by the underscore symbol.
Starting position.
How many √5 digits to generate?
Separate √5 digits with this character.
Include the Whole Part
One Millionth Digit of Square Root of 5
In this example, we generate only one value, which is at the millionth position of the decimal expansion of √5. It turns out that the millionth digit is 9.
Starting position.
How many √5 digits to generate?
Separate √5 digits with this character.
Include the Whole Part

How Does This Sqrt(5) Digits Generator Work?

This square root of 5 digits generator works entirely in your browser and is written in JavaScript. To avoid recomputing the decimal digits of √5, I precomputed the first million digits via Bakhshali algorithm and stored them in the sqrt5-digits.js library. This library contains a single variable sqrt5Digits that is a constant string of length one million. It loads just once before you use this utility. When you change start and count values in the options, this utility calls sqrt5Digits.slice() method, which extracts a substring from start to start + count positions. This substring contains exactly the requested sqrt(5) digits. If you also change the separator (specified in options) to a custom value, then it calls two additional methods – split("") method that returns an array of individual digits and then join(separator) method that combines all the elements of an array back into a string and places the separator value between them.

Created by Browserling

This sqrt(5) digits generator was created by me and my team at Browserling. Behind the scenes, it's actually powered by our web developer tools that are used by millions of people every month. Browserling itself is an online cross-browser testing service powered by alien technology. Check it out!

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