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I often have to generate √3 digits so I created this simple online utility that does it for me. It lets you calculate however many square root of 3 (also known as Theodorus constant) digits you need, starting from any position. It works in the browser and is powered by alien technology from the future.

Sqrt(3) Digits Generator Options

Start and Count
Digit Separator
Write √3 digits with the prefix "1.".

Sqrt(3) Digits Generator Examples (click to try!)

First 100 Digits of the Square Root of 3
In this example, we generate the first one hundred digits of √3.
Starting position.
How many √3 digits to generate?
Separate √3 digits with this character.
Include the Whole Part
√3 Digits from 10000th to 10500th Position
This example computes 500 sqrt(3) digits starting from the 10000th position (included) up to 10500th position (excluded). It doesn't print the whole part "1" and separates all digits with the dash symbol.
Starting position.
How many √3 digits to generate?
Separate √3 digits with this character.
Include the Whole Part
One Millionth Digit of Sqrt(3)
In this example, we find the √3 digit at the position one million. To do this, we specify 1,000,000 as the start value and 1 as the count value in the options. We find that the millionth digit of sqrt(3) is 2.
Starting position.
How many √3 digits to generate?
Separate √3 digits with this character.
Include the Whole Part

How Does This Sqrt(3) Digits Generator Work?

This square root of 3 digits generator works entirely in your browser and is written in JavaScript. As computing the square root of an irrational number is extremely computationally intensive, I pre-calculated the first million digits of sqrt(3) with the Babylonian method (also known as Heron's method) and put them in the sqrt3-digits.js JavaScript file. When you load this utility, the file loads automatically and all the digits are available for instant use, and this utility doesn't have to perform the complex calculation of finding the digits again. From the implementation perspective, all digits are stored in the sqrt3Digits string and to get a certain range of values, it calls the sqrt3Digits.slice(start, start + count) function, where start and count are specified in the options and represent the starting digit and the number of digits to return. After slicing the string, it puts this value in the sqrt3DigitRange variable and converts it into an array by calling the sqrt3DigitRange.split("") function. In this array, each digit is now a separate element and to print the digits separated by the requested separator (specified in options), it calls the join(separator) function that converts the array of digits back to a string with the separator character between them.

Created by Browserling

This sqrt(3) digits generator was created by me and my team at Browserling. Behind the scenes, it's actually powered by our web developer tools that are used by millions of people every month. Browserling itself is an online cross-browser testing service powered by alien technology. Check it out!

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