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I often have to generate a random alphabet so I created this simple online utility that does it for me. It lets you generate as many random lowercase and uppercase English alphabet letters as you need. It works in the browser and is powered by alien technology from the future.

Random Alphabet Generator Options

Alphabet Elements
Result Options
Letter Options

Random Alphabet Generator Examples (click to try!)

Random Lowercase Letters
In this example, we generate 10 rows of 20 random comma-separated lowercase English alphabet letters. To print the results one per row, we set the result-separator option to the "\n" newline character. To separate letters by commas, we use the ", " character in the letter-separator option.
y, m, d, r, y, h, i, t, m, o, z, e, m, o, h, a, z, m, a, i
n, h, h, b, g, a, x, g, m, b, m, h, r, c, m, s, n, i, o, n
h, g, j, p, l, s, w, s, v, n, r, n, s, a, o, k, o, b, m, c
v, a, y, x, g, m, u, m, x, t, i, f, v, d, s, b, o, c, a, g
v, y, a, o, s, e, p, u, r, i, u, t, l, p, b, n, k, g, j, d
q, m, j, i, x, o, t, r, v, f, i, l, w, y, c, u, j, z, w, d
m, g, x, e, v, m, u, n, h, e, r, l, x, m, v, l, s, u, r, r
g, t, y, h, z, k, h, f, r, g, c, p, n, k, d, o, h, s, y, a
x, a, o, h, s, n, m, t, x, o, f, h, h, n, z, p, a, c, e, m
g, k, n, m, s, t, n, t, e, x, t, l, l, q, y, g, p, q, j, m
Lowercase Letters (a-z)
Uppercase Letters (A-Z)
Digits (0-9)
How many results to generate?
Result delimiter symbol.
How many letters per result?
Letter delimiter symbol.
Random Digits
This example turns off lowercase and uppercase letter options and only leaves on the generate-digits option. With this option on, the only possible output is numbers. The other options are set to generate five eight-digit strings that use the minus sign as a delimiter.
Lowercase Letters (a-z)
Uppercase Letters (A-Z)
Digits (0-9)
How many results to generate?
Result delimiter symbol.
How many letters per result?
Letter delimiter symbol.
Mixed Results
In this example, we mix lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and digits. The result count is configured to be 12, which means there are twelve lines of output. The letter count is configured to be 16, which means there are sixteen characters per line of output. In total, 12×16 characters are printed on the screen.
Lowercase Letters (a-z)
Uppercase Letters (A-Z)
Digits (0-9)
How many results to generate?
Result delimiter symbol.
How many letters per result?
Letter delimiter symbol.

How Does This Random Alphabet Generator Work?

This random alphabet letter generator works entirely in your browser and is written in JavaScript. It lets you choose between generating random lowercase letters, random uppercase letters, and, optionally, random digits. The patterns for these choices are stored in the patterns variable and they are accessed through the getPattern(pattern) function. For example, getPattern('lowercase') returns an array ['a', 'b', …, 'z']. The chosen patterns are concatenated together in the choiceArr array. The number of results is stored in the numResults variable (which is initialized from the value in the options) and the number of letters per result is stored in the alphabetLength variable (also initialized from the options). The program sets up a double-loop that goes from 1 to numResults and from 1 to alphabetLength. The second loop uses the pickOne(choiceArr) function to make a random selection from the selected patterns. Each picked letter is put in the chars array. When it has made alphabetLength choices, the letters in the chars array get joined by chars.join(letterSep) and are push()ed to the strings array. When the first loop also stops, there are exactly numResults random alphabet strings in the strings array. They are also joined together by the join(resultSep) function and are returned as the output value of this program.

Created by Browserling

This random alphabet generator was created by me and my team at Browserling. Behind the scenes, it's actually powered by our web developer tools that are used by millions of people every month. Browserling itself is an online cross-browser testing service powered by alien technology. Check it out!

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