These are my Linux and Vim notes. You may find something useful in this list.
- flameshot - neat screenshot app
- peek - screen recorder that I haven't tried yet
- ppa-purge - delete installed ppa packages
- light - app to change screen brightness
- lenovo-throttling-fix - fix throttling on thinkpads
- mypaint - neat infinite canvas painting app
- pinta - paint app that crashes
- ranger - file manager for the shell
- fzf - find items quickly in lists
- nnn - another file manager for the shell
- xrandr - manage monitors
- arandr - gui for xrandr
- pdfmod - pdf editor that i haven't tried yet
- vimium - chrome plugin for vim keyboard shortcuts
- vimperator - firefox plugin for vim keyboard shortcuts
- subuser - run apps in docker, haven't tried yet
- ag - silver searcher, faster grep but today ripgrep is better
- icdiff - prettier diff
- xsel - use system clipboard form the shell
- xclip - xsel alternative
- syncthing - synchronize files between computers
- unison - also synchronize files between computers
- sway - i3 window manager for wayland
- tmux-xpanes - split terminal into rectangles and run commands in them
- - clever guy who wrote nnn
- luke smith - interesting videos about linux
- byobu - predefined tmux and screen configs
- rat poison - another tiling window manager
- gmic - image manipulation from the shell
- things every hacker once knew - interesting blog post by esr
- syntastic - vim lint plugin
- - vim plugins ranked by usage
- vim after 15 years - someone's experience about using vim for 15 years
- tmux-resurrect - restore tmux windows as they were on restart
- scratchpad in i3 - hide a window and then bring it back
- i3bar - default status bar for i3
- i3status - system status string generator for i3bar
- i3blocks - alternative system status string generator for i3bar
- polybar - another system status string generator for status bars
- dmenu - default i3 app launcher
- rofi - alternative app launcher
- i3-layout-manage - save and load i3 layouts
- xprop - print x windows info
- font-awesome cheat sheet - find icons fast
- going mouseless - youtube video about using linux without a mouse
- xss-lock - screen lock utility for x
- xset - change x settings such as keyboard speed
- x power tools - a book about x windows tools
- xlsfonts - list x windows bitmap fonts
- xlfd - naming scheme for bitmap fonts
- xfs - modern fonts for x or something like that
- stephane chezelas - interesting stackoverflow answers
- yesmeck - interesting tmux.conf on github
- showkey - detect key presses and print keyboard keys
- xev - same but only works in x windows
- tmux2 - a book about mouse free development
- dunst - send notifications to the screen from console and scripts
- wmctrl - advanced control of x windows via command line
- sxhkd - window manager independent keyboard shortcut manager
- tao of tmux - a book that teaches tmux
- xcb - alternative library to xlib for writing x windows apps
- xcb tutorial - a short tutorial on xcb
- entr - watch a file for changes and run commands
- toe - print terminal types
- infocmp - print terminal info
- text terminal howto - linux howto about text terminals
- man console_codes - man page of linux console codes and escape sequences
- ESC[XmTEXTESC[0m - print TEXT in color X in terminal
- dcvim - plugin to use vim keys in double commander
- ack - improved grep
- ctags - search code for keywords, short for exuberant ctags
- cscope - more detailed code search for keywords and function names
- universal ctags - new and maintained version of exuberant ctags
- gnu global source tagging system - ctags/cscope alternative
- exa - ls alternative, not sure why
- ripgrep - fastest grep
- fzf.vim - vim plugin for fzf
- bat - cat replacement with syntax highlighting
- surfingkeys - vimium alternative for chrome
- - blog of author of surfingkeys
- alacritty - gpu accelerated terminal
- kitty - another gpu accelerated terminal
- evil - emacs plugin that makes it work like vim
- org mode - note taking plugin for emacs
- spacemacs - emacs clone with vim features
- ctrl+j in bash - accept ctrl+r history search entry
- ctrl+g in bash - discard ctrl+r history search entry
- ctrl+w in bash - delete the current word
- ctrl+y in bash - put the deleted word back
- going all in with neovim - youtube video about neovim
- mosh tech talk - google tech talk about mosh
- x window system design principles - youtube video about x window history
- real story behind wayland and x - youtube video about wayland and x
- tacit programming - synonym for point-free programming, not sure what that is
- stack-oriented programming - programming with stacks, something advanced
- architecture of open source apps - book about popular open source apps
- thinkpad x210 - old laptop remake by 51nb enthusiast group from china
- lstopo - print device tree
- - a script to create debian root structure in an arbitrary directory
- shell wtf's - oilshell blog posts about shell gotchas
- flatpak - new app package format for linux
- debian popularity contest - public stats about most downloaded debian packages
- nwallace dotfiles - interesting dotfiles of github user nwallace
- cool uses for fzf - google this to find cool uses of fzf
- tcplife - bpf to trace tcp connections
- bcc - collection of bpf tools
- - a list of tools that have vim interface
- - interesting blog about unix things
- wine tricks - wine helper program to install libraries
- i3-vim-focus - integrate vim splits with i3
- - collection of vim color schemes with previews
- vim-bufferline - vim plugin that shows open buffers at the bottom
- defaults.vim - file with default vim settings that comes with vim
- :term in neovim - command to open a terminal inside neovim
- vimcasts - website with short vim video tutorials
- vifm.vim - use vifm file manager in vim
- bufexplorer.vim - vim plugin to quickly switch between buffers
- ctrlp.vim - vim plugin that lets you open files by fuzzy matching on ctrl+p
- command-t.vim - vim plugin similar to ctrlp but does the same with ctrl+t
- vim-fugitive - vim plugin to use git from vim
- ack.vim - vim plugin to use ack from vim
- unimpaired.vim - adds pairs of commands to vim such as [b and ]b, [s and ]s, etc
- fzf.vim - use fzf in vim to open files and find buffers
- sensible.vim - modern default settings for vim
- supertab.vim - autocomplete plugin for vim that uses tab as the completion key
- zoomwin.vim - vim plugin to maximize the current window
- quick fix window - special vim window that can be used to list errors and jump to them
- airline.vim - pretty status bar for vim
- amix vim configs - interesting vim config of github user amix
- solarized color scheme - popular nice looking color scheme for vim and terminal
- tagbar.vim - vim plugin that shows functions on the right side of the current file
- vim-css-color - vim plugin that shows css colors in vim
- goyo.vim - vim plugin that centers text and removes line numbers, status bar, etc
- coding in goyo mode - something to try
- ale.vim - vim lint plugin, alternative to syntastic
- statico dotfiles - very complex and interesting dotfiles of github user statico
- :helpgrep - vim command to grep its help files
- vim-textobj-user - vim plugin to define your own text objects
- :ls - vim command to list currently open buffers
- :b substr - vim command to jump to buffer that matches "substr"
- ctrl+] - press this in vim's help to jump to definition of the word under cursor
- ctrl+t - press this in vim's help to jump back from previous ctrl+] press
- ctags -R . - build tags file for the current directory and all subdirectories
- i_ctrl+x-ctrl+k - in vim's insert mode, show dictionary suggestions
- i_ctrl+x-ctrl+t - in vim's insert mode, show thesaurus suggestions
- :only - vim command to close all windows and maximize the current one
- :tabonly - vim command to close all tabs and maximize the current one
- i_ctrl+o - in vim's insert mode, switch to command mode for 1 command
- ctrl+^ - switch between last two open buffers in vim
- vim 8.2 adds popup windows and text properties
- :match and :highlight - vim commands to color patterns
- :set undofile - if undo file is set in vim, you can undo after closing a file
- i_ctrl+R - in vim's insert mode, insert a register
- /r/neovim - neovim subreddit
- sneak.vim - vim plugin to quickly find two character patterns
- vim-easy-align - vim plugin to align text in columns
- lion.vim - another vim plugin to align text in columns
- ultisnips.vim - code snippet plugin for vim
- vim to emacs in 14 days - blog post about moving to emacs from vim in 14 days
- denite.nvim - a modern vim/neovim plugin to create you own interfaces
- neosnippet.vim - another snippets vim plugin
- deoplete.vim - another completion vim plugin
- you don't grok vim - someone's answer on stack overflow that explains how vim works
- iw - vim motion that selects a word
- aw - vim motion that also selects a word, including trailing whitespace
- is - vim motion to select a sentence
- as - also vim motion to select a sentence, including trailing whitespace
- '[ - start of the last change in vim
- '] - end of the last change in vim
- clap.vim - vim plugin interactive finder that uses :popup
- LSP - language server protocol used for auto hinting and linting
- tree-sitter - incrementally parse source code, not sure
- jutin m keyes - neovim lead maintainer
- - justin's blog
- - justin's tech notes, especially vim notes
- c_ctrl+f - open a list of command history in vim command mode
- unix as ide - blog post series about using unix tools for programming
- :syntax keyword WordError teh - mark the word "teh" red in vim
- - top brew installs
- neovim diff.txt - neovim documentation page about vim and neovim differences
- ]) - in vim jump to next ), doesn't work for me
- ]( - in vim jump to previous (, doesn't work for me
- ]/ - in vim jump to end of comment, doesn't work
- [/ - in vim jump to beginning of comment, doesn't work, not sure
- learn vim script the hard way - good book about vim script
- - active unix forum
- podcast - unix podcast
- fzf in a floating window - cool idea
- xi text editor - a new text editor by raph levien
- design of lua - pdf document about lua
- vim hall of wtf - blog post about complex code in vim
- neoterm.vim - vim/neovim plugin that improves built-in terminal usage
- skim - fzf alternative written in rust
- gq-motion - in vim format code that is matched by motion
- :ptag tag - open a tag in preview window
- ctrl+w+z - close the preview window
- ctrl+w+} - run :ptag on the word under the cursor
- :pclose - close the preview window
- highlightyank.vim - vim plugin to highlight yanked text region
- meld - neat visual diff tool
- beyond compare - another visual diff tool
- fd - find command alternative
- vis.vim - vim plugin to run a command on visually selected area
- tmate - tmux fork that lets you share terminal
- vimux - create tmux splits and run tmux commands from vim
- trunk based development - no feature branches, just master branch
- coderay - syntax highlighting app
- risc-v - open source instruction set for cpus
- look "word" - unix command that prints lines that begin with a word
- icegiant - new cpu cooler
- ctrl+e - in vim in ctrl+x mode, discard selection
- ctrl+y - in vim in ctrl+x mode, accept selection
- ]m - in vim jump to end of a method, doesn't work for me, not sure
- [m - in vim jump to beginning of a method, not working
- rpcinfo -p host - show rpc status of host
- tldp - linux documentation project
- jq - json filtering utility for the shell
- fslint - app to find duplicate files
- sjl bitbucket dot files - interesting dotfiles of user steve losh
- - 16 years of vim commands
- junegunn dotfiles - interesting dotfiles of fzf author junegunn
- nnoremap a b, nnoremap b a - swap keys a and b in vim
- i_ctrl+k - enter a digraph in vim
- git reflog - show reflog info, useful for redoing commits
- git rebase --exec 'cmd' - exec a command after each commit while rebasing
- n_+ - in vim pressing + will go to next non-blank on next-line
- g; - in vim go to previous change
- g, - in vim go to next change
- n_ctrl+e - in vim scroll up the screen by one line
- n_ctrl+y - in vim scroll down the screen by one line
- i_ctrl_x+ctrl+e - in vim's insert mode, scroll up the screen by one line
- i_ctrl_x+ctrl+y - in vim's insert mode, scroll down the screen by one line
- zENTER - in normal mode in vim, scroll current line to top of the screen
- zt - same as zENTER
- z. - in vim's normal mode, center the current line on the screen
- zz - same as z.
- z- - in vim's normal mode, put the curernt line at the bottom of the screen
- zb - same as z-
- gd - in vim, go to definition of the word under cursor in current file
- power of g command - vim wiki summary of g command
- ". - vim register that contains last inserted text, doesn't work for me
- i_ctrl+a - repeat last inserted text in vim in insert mode, doesn't work for me
- i_ctrl+@ - repeat last inserted text and leave insert mode, not working
- i_ctrl+x_ctrl+n - appears to do the same as i_ctrl+n, not sure how this is different
- z= - in vim, show spelling suggestions for the word under the cursor
- vim buffer faq - faq about working with vim buffers
- bind -m "mode" - create a readline key binding that only works in "mode"
- docker multi-stage builds - build a docker container from another container
- invoke-rc.d - same as service command
- git commit --amend - edit commit message of the previous commit
- offline imap - use imap mailboxed without the internet
- mbsync - offline imap alternative
- notmuch - search your mailboxes
- sc-im - command line spreadsheet
- gnu units - command line utility to convert between various units
- z - remember visited directories and quickly jump to them, best with fzf
- autojump - z alternative
- fasd - z alternative
- v - quickly open last edited files in vim, best with fzf
- bfs - find alternative to search directories level by level
- awesome-shell - curated list of awesome shell stuff
- tabular.vim - vim plugin to align text in columns
- bufkill.vim - vim plugin to kill the buffer but don't close window
- closetag.vim - vim plugin to autoclose html tags
- broot - another file manager for the terminal
- tint2 - taskbar for x windows
- youcompleteme.vim - lightweight vimcompletesme.vim plugin alternative
- pathpicker fpp - interactively select files in the terminal and edit them
- shellcheck - bash script linter
- the art of command line - concise command line tutorial on github
- asciinema - record and share command line sessions as movies
- zoom tmux pane - you can zoom a tmux pane in and out with prefix-z
- interactive filter: a new standard tool - summary of interactive filters on
- aria2 - lightweight download app that also supports bittorrent
- linux problems on the desktop - article about why linux on desktop is garbage
- prettyping - wrapper around ping to make its output pretty
- dwdiff - tool that prints word-level diff
- vimdiff - diff files using vim
- colordiff - wrapper around diff to add color to it
- xbindkeys - app to bind keys to do anything you want in x
- progress - utility to monitor cp, mv progress
- httpie - a curl alternative written in python
- curlie - a curl wrapper with httpie syntax
- oh my zsh - scripts to make zsh pretty
- mycli - much nicer mysql command line tool
- pgcli - same as mycli but for postgres
- litecli - same as mycli but for sqlite
- ts task spooler - queue and run tasks from command line
- w3mimgdisplay - show images in the terminal
- ueberzug - also show images in the terminal
- heidisql - free open source gui for mariadb, mysql, and postgresql
- - learn keyboard shortcuts of various apps by repeating them
- grc - colorize terminal output using regular expressions
- supercat - grc alternative
- fselect - find files using sql-like queries
- newsboat - terminal rss reader
- glances - top/htop alternative
- up pipe plumber - instantly preview results when you pipe programs
- autossh - automatically restart ssh sessions and ssh tunnels when they die
- sshuttle - vpn over ssh
- - search rust libraries by category
- procs - ps alternative
- ctrlsf.vim - finds patterns in vim and show them on the left for quick refactoring
- chars - command line program to print unicode character info
- ascii - command line program to print ascii table
- vim-qf - vim plugin to make it easier to work with quick fix window
- - rust news and articles
- gutentags.vim - vim plugin to regenerate ctags files
- codi.vim - vim plugin to interactively write and run code snippets
- jedi.vim - vim plugin to use jedi autocompletion in python
- keepass + fzf - cool idea
- qutebrowser - web browser that uses vim modes and vim keyboard shortcuts
- fzf instead of dmenu - cool idea
- bash search history via fzf - cool idea
- notational velocity - popular note taking app
- notational-fzf-vim - vim plugin that implements notational velocity with fzf
- bmore - binary more
- bvi - binary vi
- favorite terminal apps - forum thread on nixers
- diff-so-fancy - another pretty diff program
- what's your vim setup like - lobsters thread
- peekaboo.vim - preview vim registers on the right side before inserting them
- awesome cli apps - github repo with a list of cool cli apps
- - man pages through examples
- learnbyexample - clever github user with many tutorial repos
- insect - scientific calculator
- seven habits of effective text editing with vim - talk by bram moolenaar
- rga ripgrep-all - ripgrep in pdfs too
- sxiv - very simple image viewer for x
- mdcat - cat markdown files
- dust - du alternative
- diskus - another du alternative
- websocat - netcat for websockets
- machakann vimrc - advancd vimrc configuration by github user macakann
- history and effective use of vim - detailed post about vim
- surf - minimalistic web browser
- thundering herd - computer science term when all processes wake up at once
- fzf-mru - vim plugin that adds mru list of edited files accessible via fzf
- targets.vim - vim plugin that adds more text objects, similar to surround.vim
- context.vim - vim plugin that shows where you're at in nested code
- tmux-complete.vim - complete text in vim from all tmux panes
- silicon.vim - generate code screenshots from vim
- bluz71 blog - interesting vim articles
- greg hurrell vimcasts - on youtube and
- ranger + fzf + ripgrep - cool idea
- fzf wiki - lots of fzf ideas
- fzf + bat - while searching, preview files via bat in fzf preview window
- fzf + bfs - combine these to have a better better file selection list order
- go in nerdtree - open file but leave cursor in nerdtree
- markus kuhn - author of fixed x fonts
- 6x13 - default fixed x font with alias "fixed"
- bdf - bitmap x font format
- pcf - newer bitmap x font format
- switch.vim - vim plugin to switch between predefined often used patterns
- vim-multiple-cursors - vim plugin to emulate multiple cursors
- terryma dotfiles - many interesting dotfiles of github user terryma
- vim-markdown - markdown syntax highlighting plugin for vim
- cfilter.vim - vim plugin to filter and narrow down quick fix entries
- zenburn color scheme - popular color scheme for vim
- vim-move - vim plugin to quickly move lines of text around
- gotbletu youtube channel - linux app reviews
- traces.vim - live preview changes as you type :s/foo/bar
- neomake.vim - to be explored, a vim plugin that runs commands asynchronously?
- vim-galore - amazing vim tutorial
- - most popular repositories with tagged vim
- - most popular repositories with tagged neovim
- terminus font - neat fixed bitmap font
- proggy font - another neat fixed bitmap font
- hack font - neat ttf font
- chris siebenmann blog - advanced unix blog
- nick janetakis - interesting youtube videos about vim
- vim-obsession - vim plugin to manage vim sessions
- fzf + wordnet - cool idea
- nord color scheme - neat color scheme for vim and terminal
- vim-conflicted - vim plugin that makes resolving git merge conflicts easier
- vimconf jp videos - vim conference in japan on youtube
- quickrun.vim - vim plugin to quickly run contents of file through a program
- run or raise - run an app if it wasn't yet running, or focus it if it's running
- neg-serg on github - user who made a cool i3 mod with run or raise and more
- jumpapp - app that implements run or raise
- marathon - another app that implements run or raise
- shortcut.vim - preview available vim commands as you type them
- codeface github repo - user's chrissimpkins collection of programming fonts
- comp.fonts usenet faq - great explanation of font terminology
- vim-qfedit - vim plugin to edit quickfix window entries
- apprentice color scheme - nice dark color scheme
- vimways - vim blog by romainl and robertmeta
- xargs -I '{}' command '{}' - replace '{}' in command arguments with xargs input
- bufselect.vim - bufexplorer alternative
- philrunninger vim files - on github
- shift+i in nerd tree - show hidden files
- bitmap-fonts github repository by user tecate - fonts collection with screenshots
- vim.wasm - vim implementation in wasm, works in a browser
- vim-wordmotion - vim plugin that makes 'w' key work with camelcase words
- notion window manager - static tiling window manager, successor of ion wm
- echodoc.vim - vim plugin to display function prototypes in command line
- neosolarized - color scheme for neovim
- vim-submode - vim plugin to create your own modes
- xnest - run x in x
- xephyr - modern way to run x in x
- paperwm - scrollable tiling window manager, interesting
- - similar idea to paperwm
- gilesorr wm summary - a list of all window managers and their descriptions
- firefox public data report - firefox user hardware stats
- termite - modal terminal emulator
- i3spin - alt+tab for i3
- i3ipc-python - python ipc bindings for i3, control i3 via python
- set shortmess-=s - in vim, show match count even if there are 0 matches
- i3-easyfocus - draws a letter on each window for quickly focusing
- nq - queue tasks from command line, ts alternative
- git-annex - add large files to git without tracking them
- git-lfs - git-annex alternative
- git-vfs - work with large git repos without creating a local repo copy
- fdupes - find duplicate files
- remacs - emacs rewritten in rust
- commandlinefu top commands - useful commands to know
- servo - a multi-threaded web browser engine written in rust
- gtalug youtube channel - many linux videos
- num utils - command line utilities for working with numbers
- multitail - tail multiple files at once by splitting terminal in multiple windows
- httping - ping via http
- lnav - read multiple log files at once and correlate timestamps
- :normal x - in vim, run normal mode command x
- videos from 2010 to 2020 on youtube
- moreutils - additional unix utilities
- chronic in moreutils - run command quietly unless it fails
- combine in moreutils - combine lines of files with and, or, not, xor operators
- errno in moreutils - print error codes and names
- ifdata in moreutils - print network interface info
- ifne in moreutils - run a program if stdin is not empty
- isutf8 in moreutils - check if a file has a valid utf8 encoding
- mispipe in moreutils - pipe two commands and return exit code of first command
- parallel in moreutils - run commands in parallel, often confused with gnu parallel
- pee in moreutils - pipe stdin to multiple commands
- sponge in moreutils - write stdin to a file
- ts in moreutils - timestamp input
- vidir in moreutils - rename and delete files and directories in vi
- vipe in moreutils - insert vi in a pipe
- zrun in moreutils - uncompress compressed files in command arguments
- freebsd on a desktop - blog series at
- linux app of the year - yearly question on linuxquestions
- muttator - vim keyboard shortcuts for thunderbird
- neomutt - mutt fork
- zero, one, infinity - allow either 0 of something, or 1, or infinity, but not 2, 3, etc
- necromancer dos navigator - file manager, mc alternative
- pure bash bible - how to do everything in bash
- shellharden - show bash script errors in red
- how to do things safely in bash - shellharden tutorial on how to write safe bash
- qdir - quad file manager with 4 splits, works in wine
- tabbed - put apps that support xembed feature in tabs
- pspg - view data in mysql and postgres databases
- what are your favorite terminal programs - hacker news thread
- iftop - top for network interfaces
- atop - top/htop alternative
- nethogs - top for process network activity
- q - command line tool that parses tabular data with sql queries
- gron - convert json to a format that can be grepped
- wuzz - ncurses interface for http debugging
- usql - utility to connect to any sql or nosql database
- drawille - python library for drawing in the terminal using braille charset
- dbeaver - gui for working with mysql and postgre, heidisql alternative
- bpython - curses repl for python with suggestions
- prompt-toolkit - python library for building interactive cli apps
- noti - send a notification when a process completes
- peco - fzf alternative
- stdbuf - coreutils utility to modify buffering of commands
- findmnt - find a mounted filesystem
- rlwrap - add readline support to interactive cli programs that don't use it
- colrm 1 5 - remove first five characters from input
- namei - resolve symlinks and print full pathname of a file
- tc netem - emulate network delay and packet loss
- - blog about cli apps
- must-watch-css - a list of css talks to watch on github
- useful registry keys - wine doc about windows registry keys
- eurobsdconf youtube videos - to watch talks on zfs, rust
- vim-sandwich - vim plugin similar to surround.vim
- inferno - os that is descendant of plan9
- 9front - fork of plan9
- acme - default text editor on plan9
- ben eater crc videos on youtube - crc explained
- brodie robertson - youtube videos about linux
- wireguard - modern and simple vpn
- delimitmate.vim - auto-pairs.vim alternative, automatically close ", (, ', etc
- undotree.vim - vim plugin to visualize vim's undo tree
- - learn things fast via examples
- fcat - fast cat implementation
- hello rust - a live coding youtube show about rust
- peep - like less but creates a tiny preview window
- fauxclip.vim - vim plugin to copy/paste things to/from system clipboard
- tre - tree command alternative
- qfenter.vim - vim plugin to open a quickfix entry in any open split
- autocwd.vim - vim plugin that lets you change currently working dir of buffers
- vim-lucius - a nice dark and light color scheme for vim
- vim-forest-night - a nice dark color scheme for vim
- tmux-fzf - tmux plugin that lets you fuzzy find sessions, windows and panes
- vim-dirvish - select files and browse directories in vim, nerdtree alternative
- rsi.vim - vim plugin that adds readline key bindings for vim
- vim-sayonara - better bufkill.vim plugin
- wildfire.vim - vim plugin to incrementally select closest text objects
- vim-indent-object - plugin that adds indent text object, useful when writing python
- flygrep.vim - vim plugin to asynchronously grep text
- fz - add fzf matching to z
- grabc - x utility to grab a pixel color
- qalc - awesome cli calculator
- vifm - another command line file manager
- fff - another command line file manager
- lf - another command line file manager
- derek banas youtube lua tutorial - learn lua in 1 hr
- z.lua - z alternative written in lua
- lexima.vim - auto-pairs alternative
- coc-pairs.vim - auto-pairs alternative
- pear-tree.vim - auto-pairs alternative
- - vim stories
- the patient vimmer - advanced vim tutorial by romainl
- learnvim.txt - vimdoc tutorial by barry arthur
- - barry arthur's vim blog
- - vim golfing
- aerc - terminal email client, mutt/neomutt alternative
- last status line for vim - blog post about how to customize vim's status line
- - hundreds of unix commands explained
- vim-table-mode - vim plugin to draw ascii tables in vim
- zoom.vim - another vim plugin for zooming one window by dhruvasagar
- caw.vim - another commenting vim plugin
- editorconfig - config file for text editors to maintain consistent coding style
- nrrwrgn.vim - vim plugin that allows focusing on a narrow region of text
- vim-speeddating - vim plugin to inc/dec dates and times with ctrl+a/ctrl+z
- tracyone dotfiles - github user tracyone has advanced dotfiles
- gina.vim - vim plugin to use git from vim, fugitive alternative
- gpick - color picker for x
- cppman - c++ documentation in the command line
- vim-cppman - vim plugin for cppman
- vim-yoink - vim plugin to maintain yank history
- vital.vim - collection of vim subroutines by japan vim user group
- diffchar.vim - vim plugin that visualizes diff changes char by char
- a-list-of-vims-lists - summary of all lists that vim internally maintains
- vim-foldsearch - show only lines that match a pattern
- area-41 - templates for creating vim plugins
- :Cfilter - vim command to filter quickfix window entries
- ferret - vim plugin to quickly search files and display results in quickfix window
- quickfix-reflector - qfedit alternative, vim plugin to edit quickfix results
- foo.vim - vim plugin with examples of how to write vim functions
- quickfixsigns.vim - add marks next to line numbers for quickfix results
- yankring.vim - vim plugin that maintains yank history
- :h yankring-tutorial - yankring tutorial
- slime.vim - send code to repl from vim
- easyclip + neoyank - plugin combo for clipboard/yank management
- vinegar.vim - vim plugin that improves built-in netrw plugin usage
- slimv.vim - slime.vim alternative with swank protocol support
- spacevim - vim distribution with latest features and plugins
- mintree.vim - minimalistic reimplementation of nerdtree vim plugin
- delta - another pretty diff tool
- :colder - after filtering quickfix list, use this command to go back to unfiltered
- defx.nvim - vim/neovim file explorer, alternative to nerdtree
- vim-sort-motion - vim plugin that sorts data in a motion
- vim-markbar - peekaboo for vim marks
- :he quickref - concise summary of vim commands
- vim-altr - vim plugin to alternate between related files
- vim-tabpagecd - vim plugin to set the cwd for a tab
- vim-smartinput - vim plugin auto-pairs and delimitmate alternative
- - kana natsuno vim blog
- vim-floaterm - vim plugin that creates a floating terminal window
- i3-workspace-groups - create per project workspace groups
- chrisbra vim_faq - github user chrisbra up to date vim faq
- vis - vi-like editor based on plan9 structural regular expressions
- dvtm - tmux alternative
- abduco - add sessions to dvtm
- - public git repo, interesting to sort repos by date
- how to boost your vim productivity - blog post about vim and tmux productivity
- kakoune - text editor that is similar to vim
- vimlondon videos - vim videos to watch on vimeo
- gi - vim command to enter insert mode in the last insert position
- i3ass - i3 assistance tools, written using i3 ipc
- budlabs - i3ass author's youtube channel
- i3run from i3 assistance tools - run or raise an app in i3
- michael stapelberg - author of i3, @zekjur on twitter
- garbage podcast - unix podcast
- colorizer.vim - vim plugin to colorize css colors and ansi escape codes
- ranger + autojump - cool idea
- read man pages in vim - cool idea
- qtile - tiling window manager written and configured in python
- vimpager - vim plugin to make vim act like a pager
- vim-man - vim plugin to read man pages
- dispatch.vim - vim plugin to run make and tests asynchronously
- tmux-navigator - vim plugin to navigate between vim splits and tmux panes
- udiskie - auto mount usb
- checkinstall - utility to track make install files
- arch linux aur - sort by votes to find interesting apps
- bracketed paste - terminal escape sequences for raw pasting
- htop-vim - htop with vim keybindings
- set scrollbind - make vim scroll two windows synchronously
- debian stretch - codename for debian 9
- debian buster - codename for debian 10
- debian bullseye - codename for debian 11
- debian bookworm - codename for debian 12
- debian sid - unstable rolling debian branch, don't know what that means
- autocutsel - sync cutbuffer and clipboard and optionally also primary
- scripts page - sort by downloads to find interesting plugins
- - vim tips wiki
- - alan kay wiki
- 2bwm - floating keyboard-driven window manager
- desed - gui for debugging sed scripts
- sshfs - mount filesystems over ssh
- grex - generate regexes from data
- ubuntu bionic beaver - code name for ubuntu 18.04
- ubuntu focal fossa - code name for ubuntu 20.04
- gnu stow - utility to quickly symlink configs from dotfiles
- ieee 754 - floating point standard
- whatfiles - strace like utility for tracking file open/read/write/delete
- xkeysnail - flexible utility to remap keyboard keys
- tdrop - drop down any app
- s4cmd - faster s3cmd implementation
- s5cmd - faster s4cmd implementation
- sqlar - archive files to an sqlite database
- e - richard hipp's text editor written in tcl
- yank - app on github to copy text from the terminal to clipboard
See you next time!