Today at Browserling I needed to create a MacOS user via command line. As it's not documented, then for anyone else searching here is the solution:
sudo sysadminctl -addUser user -fullName "User" -password "password"
PS. I also wrote a tutorial on how to delete a MacOS user via command line.
What Is Browserling?
Browserling is an online tool that lets people test websites in different browsers without having to install them. It's helpful for web developers or anyone who wants to see how their site looks and works on various browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more. With Browserling, you can quickly check compatibility and make sure your website works well for all users.
Who Uses Browserling?
Browserling has now become the cross-browser testing platform of choice for web developers, designers, and testers and it's used by hundreds of thousands of users around the world every month. Browserling's customers include governments, states, cities, banks, stock exchanges, universities, newspapers, Fortune 100, Fortune 500 companies, and private multi-billion dollar companies.

Happy testing!