I just remembered that I had forgotten the ASCII trick to convert lowercase to uppercase and back. The trick is super simple, you xor the 6th bit (or 5th depending on how you count bits) and that changes the case.

Check this out.

a = 01100001
A = 01000001

See, just the 6th bit changed.

Wondering why is it this way?

Simply because the people who invented ASCII thought it was a great idea. If you look at characters a..z, you'll see that all of them have the 6th bit set to 1. The ASCII inventors though, hey, let's set 6th bit to 0 for upper case letters A..Z, then it will be super easy to change case. So they did.

a = 01100001    A = 01000001 
b = 01100010    B = 01000010 
c = 01100011    C = 01000011 
d = 01100100    D = 01000100 
e = 01100101    E = 01000101 
f = 01100110    F = 01000110 
g = 01100111    G = 01000111 
h = 01101000    H = 01001000 
i = 01101001    I = 01001001 
j = 01101010    J = 01001010 
k = 01101011    K = 01001011 
l = 01101100    L = 01001100 
m = 01101101    M = 01001101 
n = 01101110    N = 01001110 
o = 01101111    O = 01001111 
p = 01110000    P = 01010000 
q = 01110001    Q = 01010001 
r = 01110010    R = 01010010 
s = 01110011    S = 01010011 
t = 01110100    T = 01010100 
u = 01110101    U = 01010101 
v = 01110110    V = 01010110 
w = 01110111    W = 01010111 
x = 01111000    X = 01011000 
y = 01111001    Y = 01011001 
z = 01111010    Z = 01011010 

Also check this out. If you xor a character with a space, you invert the case:

$ perl -le 'print "a"^" "'   
$ perl -le 'print "A"^" "' 

Why does this work? Because a space has the value 32, which is 1<<5, which enables the 6th bit, which when xor'ed with a character, swaps its case.

Here are the commands I used for this blog post:

$ perl -e 'printf "%08b\n", ord("A")'
$ perl -e 'printf "%s = %08b    %s = %08b\n", $_, ord, uc, ord uc for a..z' 

Simple articles are the best articles. See you next time!