In this article, I'm expanding on my previous post, 10 Red Flags for Suspicious Links by highlighting five more signs that a link might be dangerous. These tips will help you identify shady URLs and avoid falling victim to online scams or malicious attacks. Let's dive into it!
Suspicious Link Checker Demo
Got a link that looks sketchy? Open it via the secure link checker my team and I created at Our checker opens links in a remote virtual machine and lets you check them safely without risking your device, so you can browse with peace of mind.
5 More Signs a Link Might Be Dangerous
🚩 The Link Mimics a Trusted Brand
Scammers often create links that look like they belong to trusted brands but with small differences, like "" instead of "". Always double-check the URL.
🚩 The URL Uses a Foreign or Unfamiliar Domain
Watch out for links with unusual domain extensions like ".ru" or ".tk" if you aren't expecting them. These are often used by attackers outside your region.
🚩 The Link Matches No Search Results
If you paste a link into a search engine and nothing comes up, it could be suspicious. Legitimate websites usually appear in search results.
🚩 The Link Requires Special Browser Permissions
Be wary of links asking for permissions like enabling pop-ups, turning off your ad blocker, or allowing special browser scripts. These tricks can make your device vulnerable.
🚩 The Link Has Multiple Subdomains
A link like "" might appear legitimate but is likely a phishing attempt. Focus on the main domain (like "") to verify authenticity.
What Is Browserling?
Browserling is an online tool that helps you check if a link is safe before clicking on it. It works like a sandbox, letting you visit and test suspicious links securely without putting your computer or personal data at risk. With Browserling, you can browse safely and avoid scams, malware, or phishing attacks.
Who Uses Browserling?
Browserling has now become the suspicious link checker of choice and it's used by hundreds of thousands of users around the world every month. Browserling's customers include governments, states, cities, banks, stock exchanges, universities, newspapers, Fortune 100, Fortune 500 companies, and private multi-billion dollar companies.

Browse safe!