TLDR: Need a quick way to open onion links? Visit I and my team have created a virtualized onion browser version that you can access from your own browser with no installs and no downloads. Try it out!

Virtual Onion Browser – What Is It?

A virtual onion browser lets you access onion sites on the onion network without installing the onion browser locally. Instead of running onion locally, you can use an online service that loads a cloud-based onion session for you. Instead of routing traffic through the onion network from your computer, it does it on a remote server and then sends the results back to you.

How Does a Virtual Onion Browser Work?

A virtual onion browser works by routing your Internet traffic through multiple encrypted layers, like peeling an onion. Instead of connecting directly to a website, your data bounces through several random relay nodes in the onion network, hiding your location and identity. This process makes it much harder for anyone (like your ISP or websites) to track what you're doing online.

How Is a Virtual Onion Browser Used?

Private Browsing

A virtual onion browser hides your identity by routing your traffic through multiple layers of encryption. This means websites can't track your real IP or link your activities to you.

Accessing Onion Websites

Some sites only exist on the onion network and can't be opened in regular browsers. A virtual onion browser lets you visit these hidden services.

Avoiding Tracking

Advertisers, social media platforms, and even ISPs track your online behavior. A virtual onion browser makes it impossible for them to follow you or create a profile based on your activities.

Deep Web Research

Law enforcement, cybersecurity experts, and researchers use virtual onion browsers to investigate deep web markets, forums, and other activities without accidentally exposing their real identity.

Testing Onion Links Without Installing Tor

If you don't want to install Tor but still need to check if an onion link works, a virtual onion browser lets you open it instantly.

Opening Onion Sites Without a Downloading Tor

Sometimes you just need to check if an onion link is working, but you don't want to download the Tor browser. A virtual onion browser lets you open onion sites instantly from your own browser or mobile phone, without downloading anything.

What is Browserling?

Browserling is an online service that lets you use a virtual onion browser without downloading anything. It provides instant access to onion network by running a cloud-based version of the onion browser. This makes it easy to test onion links or browse privately without setting up an onion connection.

Who Uses Browserling?

Browserling has now become the virtual onion browser platform of choice for cybersecurity professionals, web developers, and researchers, and it's used by hundreds of thousands of users around the world every month. Browserling's customers include governments, states, cities, banks, stock exchanges, universities, newspapers, Fortune 100, Fortune 500 companies, and private multi-billion dollar companies.

Happy browsing!