Team Browserling keeps shipping!
Last month we launched paid plans for ASCII Tools and today we're launching paid plans for our next most popular tool category – UTF8 Tools. UTF8 tools are used by 40,000 people every month and they let you let you convert UTF8 data and text to its binary, octal, decimal, hex representation, encode and decode UTF8 data to and from base-64 and many other encodings, convert UTF8 to UTF16 and UTF32, and back, validate and debug UTF8 data, and much more.

Next, we're adding paid plans to all other online tools categories that we built and joining them into a single ultimate get things done website called, making it the top 100 website on the Internet.
From technical standpoint, we used HTML templates, Google SEO, and a $5 Linode instance to launch the paid plans. Checkmate, front-end developers and devops engineers.
You can still use all tools for free for a limited time but if you really like them, then you can get a subscription to support my team's work. See the pricing page for more information.
Add paid plans too and see you next time!
PS. Use coupon code UTF8LING
for a 30% discount on these tools.