At Browserling we're building a network of online tools websites. Each site focuses on one and only one tool category. Each tool does one and only one thing.
Today we're releasing a new network site – Online Time Tools.
Online Time Tools offers a collection of simple, free, and easy-to-use date and time calculation utilities. There are no intrusive ads, popups, or other garbage, just time utilities that work in your browser. Load a clock time or a calendar date in the input and instantly get the result in the output!

Here's a list of all time and date tools so far:
- Draw a Memento Mori Calendar
- Generate Magic Clock Times
- Generate Magic Calendar Dates
- Convert Time to Seconds
- Convert Seconds to Time
- Convert 24 Hour Clock Time to 12 Hour Clock Time
- Convert 12 Hour Clock Time to 24 Hour Clock Time
- Calculate Seconds Since Midnight
- Calculate Seconds Till Midnight
- Find Time Difference
- Find Date Difference
- Find Age Difference
- Increment a Clock Time
- Decrement a Clock Time
- Increment a Calendar Date
- Decrement a Calendar Date
- Format a Clock Time
- Format a Calendar Date
- Round a Clock Time
- Round a Calendar Date
- Truncate a Clock Time
- Truncate a Calendar Date
- Sort Clock Times
- Sort Calendar Dates
- Validate a Clock Time
- Validate a Calendar Date
- Convert Days to Hours
- Convert Hours to Days
- Find a Zodiac Sign by Date
- Print Dates of All Zodiac Signs
- Calculate Average Time
- Calculate Average Date
- Generate Random Clock Times
- Generate Random Calendar Dates
- Generate Custom Clock Times
- Generate Custom Calendar Dates
- Split Time Into Intervals
- Split Date Into Intervals
- Generate a Time Sequence
- Generate a Date Sequence
- Find Leap Years
- Find Common Years
- Convert Cat's Age to Human Years
- Convert Human's Age to Cat Years
Here are the upcoming time and date tools:
- Draw a Clock
- Draw a Calendar
- Create an Animated Timer
- Draw an Infinite Spiral Clock
- Draw Time as a Pie Chart
- Draw Current Year as a Pie Chart
- Draw Time as a Bar Chart
- Draw Current Year as a Bar Chart
- Draw a Time Arrow
- Visualize Time Intervals
- Visualize Time Series
- Swap Clock Hands
- Reverse Clock Time
- Invert Clock Time
- Shift Clock Time
- Change Clock Scale
- Generate Valid Clock Times
- Generate Invalid Clock Times
- Generate Valid Calendar Dates
- Generate Invalid Calendar Dates
- Convert Regular Time to Military Time
- Convert Military Time to Regular Time
- Convert Seconds To Minutes
- Convert Seconds To Hours
- Convert Seconds to Days
- Convert Seconds to Weeks
- Convert Seconds to Months
- Convert Seconds to Years
- Convert Minutes to Seconds
- Convert Minutes To Hours
- Convert Minutes to Days
- Convert Minutes to Weeks
- Convert Minutes to Months
- Convert Minutes to Years
- Convert Hours To Seconds
- Convert Hours to Minutes
- Convert Hours to Weeks
- Convert Hours to Months
- Convert Hours to Years
- Convert Days to Seconds
- Convert Days to Minutes
- Convert Days to Weeks
- Convert Days to Months
- Convert Days to Years
- Convert Weeks to Seconds
- Convert Weeks To Minutes
- Convert Weeks To Hours
- Convert Weeks to Days
- Convert Weeks to Months
- Convert Weeks to Years
- Convert Months to Seconds
- Convert Months To Minutes
- Convert Months To Hours
- Convert Months to Days
- Convert Months to Weeks
- Convert Months to Years
- Convert Years to Seconds
- Convert Years To Minutes
- Convert Years To Hours
- Convert Years to Days
- Convert Years to Weeks
- Convert Years to Months
- Find Week of the Year
- Find Day of the Year
- Find Day of the Week
- Convert a Dog's Age to Human Years
- Convert a Human's Age to Dog Years
- Convert a Bird's Age to Human Years
- Convert a Human's Age to Bird Years
- Convert Earth Time to Mars Time
- Convert Mars Time to Earth Time
- Generate Palindromic Times
- Generate Palindromic Dates
- Generate Equal H:M:S Times
- Generate Equal Y-M-D Dates
- Calculate Clock Hand Angle
- Set Clock Hand Angle
- Set Straight Clock Hands
- Normalize Clock Times
- Normalize Calendar Dates
- Spell Clock Times
- Spell Calendar Dates
- Rotate Clock Times
- Rotate Calendar Dates
- Freeform Time Calculator
- Freeform Date Calculator
- Create Zalgo Time
The other websites in the network are:
- Online CSV Tools, which is all about working with Comma Separated Values.
- Online TSV Tools, which is all about working with Tab Separated Values.
- Online JSON Tools, which is all about working with JSON data.
- Online XML Tools, which is all about working with XML documents.
- Online YAML Tools, which is all about working with YAML configs.
- Online STRING Tools, which is all about working with strings.
- Online RANDOM Tools, which is all about doing random things.
- Online BINARY Tools, which is all about working with binary zeros and ones.
- Online PNG Tools, which is all about working with PNG images.
- Online HEX Tools, which is all about working with hexadecimal values.
- Online JPG Tools, which is all about working with JPEG images.
- Online ASCII Tools, which is all about working with ASCII charset.
- Online MATH Tools, which is all about doing mathy things.
- Online IMAGE Tools, which is all about working with various image formats.
- Online UTF8 Tools, which is all about working with UTF8 encoding.
- Online TEXT Tools, which is all about doing text processing.
- Online NUMBER Tools, which is all about working with numbers.
- Online FRACTAL Tools, which is all about doing fractaly things.
- Online UNICODE Tools, which is all about working with Unicode characters.
- Online INTEGER Tools, which is all about working with integers.
- Online GIF Tools, which is all about working with GIF animations.
- Online LIST Tools, which is all about working with lists.
The next few sites are onlineSETtools, onlineHASHtools, onlineCRYPTOtools, onlineBITMAPtools, onlinePDFtools, onlineBROWSERtools, onlineAUDIOtools, onlineCSStools, onlineJStools, and a dozen more.
See you next time!