Hey everyone! This is the second post in my new node.js modules you should know about article series.
The first post was about dnode - the freestyle rpc library for node.
This time I'll introduce you to node-optimist - the lightweight options parser library. This library is also written by James Halliday (SubStack), my co-founder of Browserling and Testling.
Wonder how lightweight an options parser can be? Check this out:
var argv = require('optimist').argv;
And you're done! All options have been parsed for you and have been put in argv
Here are various use cases. First off, it supports long arguments:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var argv = require('optimist').argv;
if (argv.rif - 5 * argv.xup > 7.138) {
console.log('Buy more riffiwobbles');
else {
console.log('Sell the xupptumblers');
Now you can run this script with --rif
and --xup
arguments like this:
$ ./xup.js --rif=55 --xup=9.52 Buy more riffiwobbles $ ./xup.js --rif 12 --xup 8.1 Sell the xupptumblers
I know you want to buy more riffiwobbles and sell your xupptumblers.
Next, it supports short args:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var argv = require('optimist').argv;
console.log('(%d,%d)', argv.x, argv.y);
You can use -x
and -y
as arguments:
$ ./short.js -x 10 -y 21 (10,21)
Then node-optimist supports boolean arguments, both short, long and grouped:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var argv = require('optimist').argv;
if (argv.s) {
console.log(argv.fr ? 'Le chat dit: ' : 'The cat says: ');
(argv.fr ? 'miaou' : 'meow') + (argv.p ? '.' : '')
And now you can invoke the script with various options:
$ ./bool.js -s The cat says: meow $ ./bool.js -sp The cat says: meow. $ ./bool.js -sp --fr Le chat dit: miaou.
Next, you can easily get to non-hypenated options via argv._
#!/usr/bin/env node
var argv = require('optimist').argv;
console.log('(%d,%d)', argv.x, argv.y);
Here are use cases for non-hypenated options:
$ ./nonopt.js -x 6.82 -y 3.35 moo (6.82,3.35) [ 'moo' ] $ ./nonopt.js foo -x 0.54 bar -y 1.12 baz (0.54,1.12) [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]
Optimist also comes with .usage()
and .demand()
#!/usr/bin/env node
var argv = require('optimist')
.usage('Usage: $0 -x [num] -y [num]')
console.log(argv.x / argv.y);
Here arguments x
and y
are required and if they are not passed, the usage will be printed automatically:
$ ./divide.js -x 55 -y 11 5 $ node ./divide.js -x 4.91 -z 2.51 Usage: node ./divide.js -x [num] -y [num] Options: -x [required] -y [required] Missing required arguments: y
Optimist also supports default arguments via .default()
#!/usr/bin/env node
var argv = require('optimist')
.default('x', 10)
.default('y', 10)
console.log(argv.x + argv.y);
Here x
and y
default to 10:
$ ./default_singles.js -x 5 15
Enjoy this stranger:

Alternatively you can use isaacs's nopt that can enforce data types on arguments and can be used to easily handle a lot of arguments. Or you can use nomnom that noms your args and gives them back to you in a hash.