TLDR: Simply visit and you'll get a virtual browser. No cap.
What is a Virtual Browser?
A virtual browser operates similarly to traditional browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, with one significant difference: it runs in a virtualized environment, often on a remote server, rather than directly on a user's device. This virtualization creates a protective layer between potential online threats and the user's device.
Which browsers can be virtualized?
All mainstream web browsers can be virtualized, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Opera. Additionally, specialized browsers like the Tor browser, emerging options such as the Brave and Vivaldi browsers, and legacy browsers such as Internet Explorer can also be virtualized.
What are Virtual Browsers useful for?
Cross-Browser Testing
Web developers use virtual browsers to test websites and applications across different browsers and versions, ensuring compatibility and functionality without needing multiple installations on their local machine.
Security Testing
IT security professionals and cautious users employ virtual browsers to safely navigate the web. Since these browsers are isolated from the user's local system, they effectively mitigate risks from malware, phishing attacks, tracking, and other online threats.
Accessing Restricted Content
Virtual browsers can bypass network restrictions, like those in corporate or educational settings, enabling users to access blocked websites and content securely and anonymously.
Virtual Browser Guide
You can learn more about virtual browsers in my Comprehensive Virtual Browser Guide. In the guide, I provide an in-depth look at virtual browsers, highlighting their role in enhancing online security, privacy, and resource management. I explore their diverse applications, from cross-browser testing for web developers to bypassing content firewalls and safeguarding against cyber threats. The guide also showcases how Browserling facilitate easy access to a variety of virtual browsers, making it a versatile tool for web professionals and general users alike.
What is Browserling?
Browserling is a web-based service that provides access to virtual browsers, allowing users to run different browsers in a secure, isolated environment on remote servers. This platform is particularly useful for web developers for cross-browser testing, security professionals for safe web exploration, and for bypassing content restrictions, offering a seamless and secure way to access a range of browser versions and types.
Who Uses Browserling?
Browserling has now become the virtual browser platform of choice and it's used by hundreds of thousands of users around the world every month. Browserling's customers include governments, states, cities, banks, stock exchanges, universities, newspapers, Fortune 100, Fortune 500 companies, and private multi-billion dollar companies.

Happy browsing!