As the hacker-in-residence at Hackers/Founders (H/F), I'm super excited to announce that H/F has launched its own cryptocurrency called Hacker Token or HACK for short!
HACK is issued by HACK ?Fund? – ?a? ?liquid? ?venture? ?fund? ?created by H/F that runs on? ?the? ?blockchain.? ?HACK provides an easy and liquid way to invest in top startups in Silicon Valley and around the world that are part of H/F's Co-op startup incubator. HACK will also power the H/F community and open source ecosystem, as well as support emerging technology hubs, nonprofits and startups around the globe.
You can buy HACK right now at a 40% pre-sale discount at 1 HACK = $1 USD. Full information at Use the special promo code CATONMAT
that we created for my blog readers for an additional 10% bonus!
We're also organizing a HACK webinar next week for my blog readers and everyone else who's interested. RSVP for HACK Fund webinar on Dec 6 at 11:00AM PST to learn more about HACK.
If you're in Bay Area, then also on Dec 8, we're organizing CryptoCon[0] at a brand new hacker space called Circuit Launch in Oakland. RSVP for CryptoCon[0] on Dec 8.
What is Hackers/Founders (H/F)?
Hackers/Founders is world's largest startup network, uniting 300,000+ members in 47 countries and 128 cities. The H/F Co-op startup accelerator is a tight-knit cooperative, where concierge services are provided in exchange for equity, and where founders help each other and elect each other to the program. H/F Co-op has a portfolio of 55 tech companies.

What is HACK?
HACK? ?is? ?a? ?new? ?Ethereum-based? ?token? ?issued? ?by? ?HACK? ?Fund. It? ?can? ?be? ?bought,? ?sold? ?and traded? ?through? ?online? ?exchanges? ?as? ?a? ?liquid? ?transaction. HACK? ?is? ?based? ?on? ?the? ?ERC223 ?protocol.? ?ERC223? ?solves? ?issues? ?with? ?the? ?ERC20? ?standard while? ?remaining? ?backwards? ?compatible? ?with? ?ERC20-compliant? ?wallets.? ?HACK? ?is? ?a? ?tradeable digital? ?token? ?that? ?can? ?be? ?used? ?for? ?participation,? ?representation,? ?proof? ?of? ?membership? ?in? ?H/F? ?or any? ?other? ?suitable? ?purpose.
What is HACK Fund?
HACK? ?Fund? ?is? ?a? ?liquid? ?venture? ?fund? ?on? ?the? ?blockchain. H/F created? ?HACK? ?Fund? ?to? ?bring? ?its? ?successful? ?approach? ?to? ?the? ?blockchain, increasing? ?accessibility? ?and? ?liquidity? ?for? ?investors. HACK? ?Fund? ?uses? ?blockchain? ?technology? ?to? ?make? ?startup? ?investing? ?available? ?to? ?people? ?around? ?the world? ?and? ?who? ?are? ?at? ?all? ?levels? ?of? ?investing.
Why Liquidity Matters?
Traditional? ?startup? ?investors? ?can? ?only? ?realize? ?gains? ?when? ?a? ?company? ?is? ?purchased? ?or? ?goes public. Liquidity? ?events,? ?such? ?as? ?acquisitions? ?or? ?IPOs,? ?rarely? ?happen? ?in? ?Silicon? ?Valley,? ?and? ?even less? ?so elsewhere.? ?As? ?a? ?result,? ?investors? ?seldom? ?profit,? ?and? ?have? ?to? ?wait? ?approximately? ?a decade? ?to? ?find? ?out? ?if? ?they? ?made? ?a? ?good? ?investment? ?decision. However,? ?HACK? ?Fund? ?is? ?liquid.? ?Investors? ?in? ?HACK? ?Fund? ?can? ?buy,? ?sell? ?and? ?trade? ?tokens? ?at any time in? ?a? ?fund that? ?derives? ?value? ?from? ?H/F's? ?pool? ?of? ?well-performing? ?startups.
HACK FundOpportunities
Investors? ?can? ?profit? ?from? ?startups? ?that,? ?up? ?to? ?now,? ?would have? ?been? ?neglected? ?because? ?they? ?are? ?located in? ?areas? ?of? ?the? ?globe? ?that? ?are? ?harder? ?to? ?reach due? ?to? ?regulations,? ?markets,? ?and? ?other? ?factors.? ?Because? ?blockchain? ?technology? ?is decentralized,? ?capital? ?which? ?might? ?have? ?been? ?left? ?on? ?the? ?table? ?can? ?now? ?be? ?used? ?to? ?increase value? ?for? ?investors.
HACK's value is based on the performance of H/F Co-op startups. Valuations of startups? ?will? ?be? ?completed? ?using? ?eShares? ?or? ?similar platform,? ?and? ?audited? ?by? ?an? ?independent? ?third-party? ?CPA at? ?regular intervals?.
HACK? ?Fund? ?also? ?offers? ?risk? ?diversification.? ?Up? ?to? ?now,? ?it? ?has? ?been? ?nearly? ?impossible? ?to? ?get exposure? ?to? ?a? ?diversified? ?portfolio? ?of? ?startup? ?equity? ?without? ?having? ?a? ?great? ?deal? ?of? ?wealth.
100% of returns from portfolio exits are funnelled back into HACK Fund, increasing its value for investors.
Most? ?importantly,? ?HACK? ?Fund? ?is? ?liquid,? ?and? ?offers? ?investors? ?the? ?ability? ?to? ?realize? ?gains? ?without having? ?to? ?wait? ?a? ?decade.
How to invest in HACK Fund?
Those who want to get involved in investing into tech startups don't need to be Silicon Valley venture capitalists. ?The? ?cost? ?of? ?1? ?HACK? ?token? ?is? ?$1? ?USD.?? Non-US investors can buy into? ?the? ?fund directly through Because of regulatory laws, US investors can contact HACK Fund at code></code for more details on how to invest.
Currently HACK is on pre-sale at 40% discount to early investors (and 10% additional discount with CATONMAT
promo code). To invest you will need a ERC20-compliant? ?ETH wallet. You can create one at If you don't know how to do it, watch this video MyEtherWallet Walkthrough. Once you have your wallet, you'll need to fund it using Ethereum or Bitcoin. If you don't know how to do it, watch this video How To Buy Tokens and Coins. Now you're ready to buy HACK! Watch this video How to buy HACK and go to to buy some!
To buy HACK using USD, you'll need to wire transfer funds to HACK Fund's bank account. Please contact code></code for instructions on how to do that.
Note: Coinbase ETH wallets won't work as they are not ERC20-compliant.
HACK Community
For more questions about HACK, HACK Fund and H/F you can join the HACK community at Telegram at, email code></code, and sign up for HACK newsletter.
Whitepaper and Executive Summary
Full information about HACK and HACK Fund in Hack Fund Executive Summary and Hack Fund Whitepaper.
Disclosure: I'm Hackers/Founders hacker-in-residence, I bought HACK myself, and Browserling is H/F Co-op's portfolio company.
See you next time!