Merry Christmas everyone!
If you're like me, celebrating Christmas at a console, wouldn't it be fun to have a Christmas tree in your shell? It sure would! Follow these steps to have your own Christmas tree in the Unix shell.
Step 1: Install Acme::POE::Tree Perl Module
Type the following in your shell. It will install Acme::POE::Tree Perl module:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Acme::POE::Tree'
If you get notified that you're missing dependencies, answer 'yes' to all questions to have them installed.
Step 2: Celebrate Christmas at Console
Type this to have your Christmas tree up and running:
perl -MAcme::POE::Tree -e 'Acme::POE::Tree->new()->run()'
The result:

Happy holidays and see you next year!